Day Five 


So far this challenge has been very eye opening. It is refreshing to reconnect with my parents. The simple things I have been doing have such a big impact. I honestly thought my parents wouldn't really notice my extra effort, but they do notice and they express their gratitude. It feels good to do something kind and be appreciated.
The most difficult part of my challenge is coming up with something to do for them everyday. Riley has been giving me some good ideas to work with. Something that would make my challenge a little easier and more enjoyable is having my parents home more often. They both leave for work about the same time I leave for school and I won't see them again until late at night, and they rarely take weekends off. I would like to do something as a family, but for now I'll just have to do something nice for them to come home to.
I'm thankful beyond words for my parents, they're devoted, hard working people who provide unconditional love. I'm glad I chose this challenge and I'm looking forward to coming up with unique ideas to show I care.

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    My Twenty Day Challenge

    Starting on December 3, 2013
    I will being doing something extra special for my parents. After fifteen years of unconditional love, the least I can do is take twenty days to show them how much I love them.

    Give the ones you love wings to fly, roots to come back, and reasons to stay.